Monday, February 23, 2009

I am eternal. I don’t do very much. I mean, I’ve been doing it for...well, forever now. I’ve been doing it for forever. And I like it, it’s just...not much anymore. At least, not to me. The novelty’s worn off, I guess. People love me, people hate me. Everyone knows me. But I just do the same thing, every day, all over the world, and I change people’s lives. At this point, I don’t really care anymore. I do it now because I should, not because I enjoy it.

I’m more than what I do. Who isn’t more than their job? I’m not my job. I speak over one million languages. Well, I understand over one million languages. I only speak one. And I’m the only one who knows it. I love to watch people. Learn about them, who they are, what they do. I collect people that way. Once my job stopped being enjoyable, I looked for other entertainment. Eternity is a long time to be bored, you know.

I love your languages! You humans have the most interesting ways of speaking to each other. I can never make out this thing called ‘body language’ though. I know from watching. When she moves like this, you move like this, and when he does that, you say this…

But only from watching. I don’t understand you, not really. I guess that’s why I feel so alone all the time, watching you, never really knowing you or being able to interact with you. I try, sometimes, but you always get hurt. I always hurt the ones I love. Isn’t that the definition of humanity? So why can’t I be you?

I do take pride in one of my duties. I love being the one you look up to. You look up to me and pray. You wish to me, as though I had power to grant your heart’s desires. Oh, how I would love to! I would give my last breath to grant your wishes. I burn for you, and you alone! Longing! The most painful of your emotions, and yet, it’s the one I feel most often.

The only solace I get is what I do for you! And oh, how I wished you appreciated me! I am everything you need. Without me you would be powerless, dead. So why is it that you do not praise me, long for me like I long for you? Why do you not try to be me, understand me? You shy away from me when I try to touch you! You can’t even look at me! I look at you, from so many angles, all of my eyes, all of me, I stare at you, I watch your love, your hate!

You are beautiful, with your beautiful bodies. Your beautiful voices. If only I had tears, I would never stop shedding them. I would never stop shedding them for you. But I have no tears. None. I will never cry for you.

Oh, but I will burn!

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