Friday, June 19, 2020

writing is not for the stable or sane

a man said to me,
“when you are happy,
and stable,
you will you be able to write.”

That’s not,
how it works.

Writing is not for the stable
(or sane)
if evidence is to be gathered from
any other poet that has ever written.

Poets traffic on the bridges
between good and evil
love and loss
pain and healing

I walk
over one bridge,
back again.
But to stop traveling? 
no, no
we're like those fish
that die if they stop swimming.
stability, and sanity, will kill
(our creativity)

Our job is one of reconciliation -
we must find a way to speak
to the love
and pain
inside of us. 

and to figure out
(if we can)
some way to live with both.


i was taking a beach day 
but he borrowed my water bottle
"i need him to bring that back," 
i thought. 

i had resigned myself to dehydration, 
when i found a spare i had forgotten
tucked above the fridge

where is that book? i wonder. 
he was reading it, he had said. 
"i need him to bring that back,"
i thought. 

disappointed at my loss, i turned around
to a stack of unfinished books
laying on my coffee table.

walking out the door, i realized 
i had given him my mask, so he would be safe. 
"i need him to bring that back,"
i thought. 

loading up the car i found  
a spare i had been given, 
sitting on the backseat.

all these things i thought i needed
for a day at the beach. 

i guess i don't.